Slow Fashion Season is Going Global


In the summer of 2018, 2625 people decided to not buy any new clothes for 3 months inspired by @collection_org and @slowfashionseason ‘s initiative and collectively saved 90 million litres of water & decreased carbon emissions by 360 thousand kilograms!

This year you’re invited to join the biggest crowd act to date and buy no new clothes during the summer season of 2019 together with 9,999 other people!

“The fashion industry is responsible for enormous amounts of water consumption (32 million Olympic size swimming pools per year) and CO2 emissions (8% of global greenhouse emissions - and growing fast). If 10,000 people participate, we will save up to 360 million liters of water and prevent 1,4 million kilograms of CO2 being emitted. Also, textile dyeing is the second largest polluter of clean water globally, only after agriculture. Then there is the enormous waste creation (148 million tons by 2030) and land use (115 million hectares by 2030), and we haven’t even started on labour conditions yet...Enough numbers, time for action. Time for Slow Fashion Season!”

Read more about the initiative

Ethical Fashion